Galleries 4
Collections 0
Groups 0
Created 10-May-11
Modified 4-Jul-17
Free low resolution photo downloads are available. Please feel free to use these photos for Facebook posts, blogs and other electronic media. (These images are not print quality, but high resolution images are available through this website.)

To download an image, just double-click the photo you want and the "download" command should appear above it. The blue logo and border will not appear on any prints or electronic images that are purchased through this website.

The Getting Ready gallery is for the bride and bridesmaids only. It is locked and requires a password.

By providing online access to these images, I am granting you a release of copyright to use the photos without restriction or obligation. Andie Petkus Photography also maintains rights to the images.

Rehearsal and Dinner

Visitors 60
0 photos
Created 13-May-11
Modified 13-May-11

Bridesmaid Brunch

Visitors 39
0 photos
Created 13-May-11
Modified 13-May-11

Getting Ready

Visitors 18
205 photos
Created 2-Aug-24
Modified 2-Aug-24
Getting Ready


Visitors 122
475 photos
Created 2-Aug-24
Modified 2-Aug-24


Visitors 116
360 photos
Created 2-Aug-24
Modified 2-Aug-24

Crawfish Boil

Visitors 41
0 photos
Created 15-May-11
Modified 15-May-11

High Resolution Images

Visitors 0
1273 photos
Created 3-Aug-24
Modified 3-Aug-24
High Resolution Images

Guestbook for B & L Wedding
Todd Steinke(non-registered)
I am working at Hawkins this weekend. Glad I had a chance to see the photos. They are special-what a wonderful weekend.

Aunt Melissa(non-registered)
Brad and Lauren,

What wonderful pictures of your beautiful wedding! I am so happy for the two of you. I hope your marriage will be as special as mine was to Ralph.

with much love,
Auntie "M"
The guestbook is empty.